Firebird Track (Download)
05 Bad Weather

Firebird Track (Download) - 05 Bad Weather

"comments from paul coming soon! comments from paul coming soon! comments from paul coming soon! comments from paul coming soon! comments from paul coming soon! comments from paul coming soon! comments from paul coming soon! comments from paul coming soon! " - Paul Cotton

Easy as 1-2-3! - After you purchase the track, you will be directed to a download page where you can download the track to your PC or Mac. The song will be available to you as both MP3 (pc) or M4A (mac) formats. Downloads will be available for 24 hours after you purchase.

If you've never done it, downloading Paul's music is SIMPLE! After you make your purchase you'll simply click the download link, SAVE AS to your PC or Mac, then click on the music file or files and presto, you're listening to Paul Cotton music! The music player below has a "Snip-It" of this track. Enjoy!!


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Price: $1.15


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